Sunday, February 16, 2020

Read the requirement carefully Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words - 1

Read the requirement carefully - Essay Example An increased number of public as well as private sector firms in the period of 1980s started the utilization of teams for task completion. Soon after a decade, this trend spread rapidly as small manufacturing enterprises started developing effective and strong managerial and production teams in order to yield better performance and enhanced job satisfaction. It appears that the usage of teams has disseminated to the extent that now the mechanistic and bureaucratic organizational designs have become an exception instead of being a norm. This paper attempts to explore the impact of deployment of teams rather than individual employees for organizational task accomplishments over the organizational success. Moreover, the factors that may hinder in the effective performance of a team will be assessed as well as the ways to overcome such issues will be sorted (Maxwell, 2002). Team Defined A team may be defined in terms of work groups that are appointed with the accomplishment of a performa nce job that necessitates joint cooperation. Thus teams are distinguished from other group types as it emphasized collective performance instead of focusing on individual learning outcomes that may be acquired while working in groups (Ryan, 2012). Levels of a team In order to accomplish desired level of performance, teams are assessed at various levels. These are individual member level, issue or content level, psychological or interaction level, procedure or method level and the outside relation level. Individual member level is an affair of individual perceptions, personalities, ideas and concepts, emotions, behaviours and intentions. Content level focuses on the content of the task undertaken by the team; the psychological level focuses on the mutual group members’ attitudes as well as the state of affair between them, roles, behaviour pattern as well as the observed climate. Method level ails problem solving techniques such as decision methodologies, rules or regulations within team analysis and creativity skills. The outside group relations deals with the relations or contacts as well as information cultivated with the other members of organization taking into consideration the deputizing rules (Harvey, Millett & Smith, 1998). Relevancy of Teams in an Organization Teams are relevant to organizations in various situations such as when competing organizations are utilizing teams, when organization is required to be flattened, when improving quality is the main focus of organization, when teams are needed or desired by employees, when in order to provide quick response to organization flexibility is needed and when the tasks needed to be completed require diverse knowledge and skills (Guzzo & Dickson, 1996). Working in a collaborative manner as team now proves to be catalyst that accelerates the process of realization of the complete potential of an organization. So being such a driver for growth, progress and development in the organization, the proc ess of team building is strategically imperative. Developing teamwork is based upon facilitating a dedication to working together on the objectives of the company and adjusting the opportunity and circumstances for employees to bestow their best (Katzenbach & Smith, 1993). But in order to efficiently perform the team must be developed keeping into considera

Sunday, February 2, 2020

There is no such thing as a rational decision. Discuss this assertion, Essay

There is no such thing as a rational decision. Discuss this assertion, and carefully justify the arguments and claims that you m - Essay Example This study aims at discussing rational decision-making and its existence from the roots. In order to throw light on every dimension of rational decision-making, the discussion would begin from understanding rationality, and will further assist in understanding what does rational decision signify. It will also include what elements assist one in understanding that the particular decision is rational enough. Apart from this, theories in relation to types of rationality would be discussed. The conditions considered for effective decision-making need to be understood in order to conduct a comprehensive analysis for stating whether rational decisions exist or it is just a myth. Rationality is considered to be a normative concept, which signifies any belief, desire or action. It signifies any conviction or concept, which is derived through proper reasoning (Adler, 1991). Rationality can be considered the characteristics of decisions which are supported by motives. Max Weber, a German socio logist proposed a theory of rationality, which explains four types of rationality. The first type of rationality put forward by him is purposive or instrumental rationality. This explains the expectation regarding the behavior of the other objects and the human beings present in the society. The second type of rationality is value or belief oriented. In this case the action is assumed to be essential for the person, such as ethics, religion, motives, etc. The third type of rationality is affectual, which assist in determining the specific affect of emotions or feelings. Weber considered this type of rationality to be meaningfully oriented rationality. The fourth type was habituation, which is traditional. Weber emphasized on these four types of rationality because he considered rationality and rational decision making to be the outcome of one of these types or a combination of these types of rationality stated by him. However, Weber’s point of view for rationality has been cr iticized by Habermansian, whose proposed theory was devoid of any social power or context, whereas Weber’s theory of rationality was strongly supported by values and power (Berg, & Hoffrage, 2004). A rational decision-maker actually chooses among the different alternatives or courses of action that are based on the ability of the decision-maker. This is because this process includes rational decisions that are not only backed by reasons but are also appropriate enough for achieving goals, and solving problems. While discussing the concept of rational decision-making, elements like rational choice and rational behavior of individuals needs to be also discussed. Rational choices are considered to be economic principles which are assumed to be made by those individuals who make logical and prudent decisions that benefit them and provide them satisfaction. This concept of rational decision-making is based on the rational choice theory. Rational behavior is the decision-making pro cedure which depends on the choices that would offer optimum level of utility or benefit. According to conventional theories of economics all those individuals who take part in any activity or action are rational. Rational decision does not always assist in generating profit because it is considered that sometimes