Saturday, May 9, 2020

Is Superstition Not Superstition Essay - 924 Words

Nestled in between two countries is a great gorge, a river flowing through the bottom. The sides are made of rock and they reach their rigid hands up to the sky. When the sun falls, pinks, purples, and oranges paint over the landscape. It looks almost mystical. It is here that we are taught never to go. Although the danger seems to be gone in the summer months, very few venture out into the gorge. They say it’s beautiful, that the stars have never looked as bright as they did staring up at them passed those strange bony fingers. However, I refuse to see the beauty in such evil. Even in the winter, there are a few that journey down to the river. They swear the danger is simply superstition. What could get them? They know which plants are poisonous and they feel certain that they would win in a fight against some sort of bear. Sometimes they go for curiosity and sometimes they go because it’s said that once the river is frozen, access to a cave deep in the valley is easie r. Supposedly, within its walls lies a precious metal that’s worth more than anyone’s life. I think that’s stupid. What could be more valuable than life? My brother was one of those with that intense curiosity. He was years older than I but was always getting into trouble. My mother and father were forever biting their nails and pacing by the fire until the middle of the night waiting for him to come home. They were always afraid he would do something to get himself into trouble. One fall day when IShow MoreRelatedSuperstition : Superstition And Superstition1016 Words   |  5 Pages Jenee Smith English 1102 March 1, 2016 Superstition Superstition refers to unreasonable fear and belief of something that is unknown. The extent of this belief and the fear is common, not only among the illiterate, tribal and senior citizens, but even amongst the educated ones, and the people guided by rational thoughts. Superstitions contain various types, and diverse people of various countries are influenced by these assertions. Some people consider it as a bad sign when someone sneezes whileRead MoreSuperstitions : Superstitions And Superstitions1274 Words   |  6 PagesElizabethan Era: Superstitions The topic I chose was â€Å"superstitions†. When I started my research I had no idea that some of our superstitions are a copy of their superstitions. I never our superstitions weren’t just made up by us overnight, but I did not realize how much our superstitions originated from the Elizabethan Era. In researching this paper, I learned where some of our superstitions came from, some new superstitions, and some explanation for some superstitions, that make you stop and thinkRead MoreSuperstitions : Superstition And Superstition1689 Words   |  7 PagesThere is a various amount of superstitions out in the world that people hear about, but what exactly makes a superstition? Is there a definition known throughout for One source says that they are â€Å"a belief or an action that is inconsistent with science and needs to be aimed at bringing good luck or avoiding bad luck† (â€Å"Superstitions: Why You Believe†). Superstitions themselves can range from any s mall action that someone does to help their chances. Whether it is a lucky pair of socks or avoidingRead MoreSuperstition : Superstition And Superstition Essay1911 Words   |  8 PagesSuperstition, often a word that is used to describe an event as bad or good luck, failure, supernatural and the world that is unknown. Superstition played an important role that took place several times in the story. A belief that killing a spider is a bad sign, touching snakeskin with bare hands can only bring bad luck, and the belief that a hairball can tell a persons future, are all examples of some of the superstitions found throughout their journey. 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This leads people into believing that they have more control than the reality and actuality of all situations and circumstances. Many customs that we take for granted as being a â€Å"normal† part of our culture have actually evolved from superstitious beliefsRead MoreSuperstition Of Science, Religion, Harmful Superstition1312 Words   |  6 PagesSuperstition in the, â€Å"Joy Luck Club,† is a method used by the mothers to provide comfort and guidance to their daughters, or to scare t he daughters into submission. In the book, many times do the mothers resort to using superstition to keep their daughters in line. For example, in page 164, Lena says,†Ã¢â‚¬  Aii, Lena,† she had said after that dinner so many years ago, â€Å"your future husband have one pock mark for every rice you not finish.†Ã¢â‚¬  This of course scares Lena into finishing the rest of her riceRead MoreSuperstition2392 Words   |  10 PagesFRONT PAGE PRACTICE EXAM – CONTENT OF FINAL EXAM WILL VARY! 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